VALUES. The true Education contains the knowledge, Remembrances and truths of our creative physiology
Until the isolated creation acknowledges its Restoration, it remainsisolated within a spherical void. No one wants to and can toleratethis void.Therefore, the Creation of Light does not punish, and there is nopunishment in terms of “hells, tortures and thousands of otherapostate projections”.The isolation of the creation into specific void environments withcontinual learning and knowledge for its understanding andRestoration is not “Punishment” in the way that the apostates haveimposed and promoted upon our Gaia, reversing the significantmeaning of the code Punishment.It is the same as the Guardians with the prisons. Creation does nothave prisons. Instead, it has the Guardians and specific Spaces ofisolation, learning and knowledge. The Guardians have beenbestowed this responsibility.“The Guardians have Knowledge”.The above is a common Greek proverb which arises as a result ofthe role of the Guardians.In Creation, we call them prisons because they are Spaces that aremonitored by the Guardians who have this responsibility.Note: In Greek, Guardians and Prisons are spelt the same: «φ’υλΑκεσ» and «φυλΑκ’εσ»respectively, pron. Fylakes. The only difference is the syllable that is stressed. In the firstinstance (Guardians – Fylakes) we stress the first syllable, while in the second (PrisonsFylakes), we stress the last syllable.The apostate human prisons upon Gaia are corrupt institutions andcauldrons of human Sarkia (physical bodies) and souls. Here, evenmore, and stronger apostates are constructed who will continuallyproduce injustice and apostasy, providing an unlimited supply ofservants for the apostasy. In almost all of the prisons upon our planet,the dogmas and religions rule. The religions and the dogmas are guilty107
by creating false guilt within the humans. They do not haveRestoration, and they do not allow the human any margin for true andabsolute Restoration.Their apostate systems are structured in such a way, that from the firstinjustice of the human, it is organised for him to produce continuousinjustice without being able to enter into Restoration.True Education here is non-existent. Knowledge is non-existent. Thetruth doesn’t concern them. Therefore, how can you enter into theacknowledgement of your Restoration???As an apostate drug and pill for the soul, religions and dogmas haveforgiveness «συνχΩρεση» (Sinhoresis). This is yet another alteredand significant cosmic-meaning. With this forgiveness of sins, it is theapostate way for you to forget and delete the injustice you performed.Consequently, you will once again perform injustice and injusticesuntil you re-enter and be re-forgiven by the “rassophore” of yourdogma within the insane pseudo-cycle of your oblivion and nonexistence.The black laws and lifeless laws that rule the total of human societiesupon the entire planet are essentially structured to selectivelyproduce injustice with the plan for the punishment and immense fearof the humans.Dogmas and religions sell fear and punishment.Fear and punishment are what all governmental and legislativeapostate mechanisms sell to all societal totals.With its apostate profile upon Gaia, punishment is the door of theapostasy.The lack of true Education that contains the knowledge,Remembrances and truths of our creative physiology and existence,108
their highly-sacred and creative frequencies to your individual self.At the same moment, your creative and complete self is within the 12gateways, giving its creativeness to all 12 gateways “Values” of thecomplete and total Atomo.This occurs at the same moment simultaneously.And so, at the same moment and simultaneously, the 12 gatewaysof the Values are within you, and they give you their wholeness.Likewise, the complete self of your complete Atomo is within thewholeness of the 12 gateways, and you give your creativity to yourWhole.Essentially, you take and you give – you give and you take.What is one is many and everything, and what is many is one.Essentially, this is another equation of coded and creative alchemy,union (Zeuxis) and division (Diairesis) of hyper-intelligent EllaniaCreation from which your immortal Ellania creation is created. You arethe primordial creator within the creation where you create. As theLaw that you are, you create immortal creationsfrom your wholeness.This wholeness is the association of your individual Atomo with yourcomplete, total and collective Atomo.The Atomic (your individual self) is absolutely and truly associatedwith your complete and total Whole, your Atomo, always andforever, and never separate.The separation of your absolute and unique wholeness unit Ι meansapostasy, non-existence and outside of Creation. You do not exist asan Ellanio creation. You have removed yourself, and you cannotcreate. You do not have an aim and purpose, you have nothing.
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