The divine hyper-entities have a significant number of children upon Gaia-Demeter-Artemis and in our entire Ellania and divine
Cosmokratoria*. They activate their children whenever the divine
entities choose and not whenever the children want.
Absolutely everything always occurs through our Primordial
Substance* (Patroa Ousia). If the children become astray from the
path of their mission due to an apostate intrusion or treason, they will
only remain with their empty Sarkia up until their last breath. Their
Sarkia end up as empty vessels in the spaces of the apostasy upon
Gaia-Demeter-Artemis due to the fact that the apostasy has infinite
audacity which is something that the apostate Ellene humans allowed
to happen.
Apart from the fact that they insult, violate, desecrate, misinterpret
and corrupt the absolute truth of your true, divine and Ellania Creators
as well as the truth of the Ellania, absolute composition and
connection of your Ellania, divine, true, unique and Nomoteleia
Creation, there are many apostates who are filled with conceit, deceit,
bigotry and unintelligence who refer to themselves as incarnated
divine Creators. Within their infinite oblivion and ridiculousness,
they effortlessly use and pronounce the pan-sacred and Ellania names
of the true Gods such as: DIAS, ATHENA, ARES, HEPHAISTOS,
POSEIDON, HERMES and other names. These fiends even choose a
name that is more advertised and they promote it as their own
In regard to what we have mentioned as being opposite and the same,
the aforementioned is what is the same and opposite of the apostasy
but with another and reversed tactic and method. If you carefully
observe these ridiculous and devious beings who perform such
apostate practices, you will discover that they are themselves deeply
religious and apostates. You will find that they belong to masonic
lodges, to apostate and secret sects and similar groups that can be
defined as something between a cesspool and a dump and are fed
with their devious and diseased conceit and numerous complexes
which they have mastered throughout their rotten bios and non
existent life.
If you research this, you will find that many of these chaotic and insane
beings of apostate faeces also write books that are promoted by the
dogmas and generally by the apostasy with its mechanisms. Their own
aim is to contaminate and confuse anyone and anything with their
rotten, filthy and foul-smelling unknowledge and to infect as many
people as possible.
This continually occurs within all of their ridiculous and devious books
where they taint thousands of infinite truths in regard to everything.
All of this happens so the Ellene humans may not find the sole and
immortal truth about their true existence and their true, immortal,
unique, Nomoteleia and divine Ellania Creation. All these apostate
activities happen and are executed solely for this purpose.
Now however, Mother RHEA has appeared and will put absolutely
everything into their rightful place. She reveals and proves the
absolute and true composition and structure of OLYMPUS to us.
Besides, Mother RHEA is a divine and creative Mother Guardian who
prevents anything that is not part of the true Creation, namely
anything that does not belong to the true, divine, unique and Ellania
Creation. She prevents it from happening and existing. This is just 1 of
her many paramount, unique and true hyper-attributes.
“However, what is the will of the Ellene human who is the Ellanio
You must ask yourselves, how does Mother RHEA prevent anything
apostate and anything that is not in the absolute and true accuracy of
the whole, divine and Nomoteleia Creation, while Ellene humans
continuously supply, develop and build the fake and virtual apostate
time with apostate actions and ways using all the infinite forces of
their divine, infinite and Ellania Creation, structuring the spaces of
their incarnation and creation with apostate scarring and apostate
mechanisms for the continuous production of apostasy and apostate
All Ellene humans must acknowledge
the Mother of all mothers, RHEA!
You must all acknowledge your beginning!
You — Ellene human — and your beginning must look at each other
through the eyes of Nous. You must acknowledge your own beginning
of all the planes and levels, even the Beginning of your beginning
which begins from The Absolute Time 1 ONE.
And this can only happen when you acknowledge your beginning,
the Mother RHEA herself!
Her sister isAPHRODITE, where all of us have her creative frequencies and infinite Beauty (Kallos) within us, as well as theentire wealth of everything with her son PLUTO.
And so, all Ellene humans – who are the divine Ellania creations of
OLYMPUS and of the whole, Ellania, divine, Nomoteleia, true and
unique Creation – are primarily the offspring and children of RHEA.
For all Ellene humans, Mother RHEA is their beginning. Therefore,
each one of us must solely acknowledge their beginning and
remember, know and become aware. You must stop believing
because whether you believe or not believe, both of these opposite,
reversed but same pseudo-attributes of the non-existing word and
apostate invention “Belief/Believe” mean that you do not know and
nothing has been proven to you through an evidential process.
Therefore, whether you believe or not believe, it is one and the same.
As a result, the planet Gaia-Demeter-Artemis is in its downfall and
oblivion because of these belief systems whether one is to believe or
not believe. The entire apostasy and its apostates continuously project
and promote these beliefs and any belief that cannot be proven. Thus,
the apostasy can end at once and in a day if the humans stop believing
or not believing, since both mean that they do not know.
Anything that is proven to them through any logical and evidential
process, it means that they cannot and that it is impossible to continue
to believe. They will now know! They will know and continually
acknowledge what is ortho, true and existent.
Furthermore, by acknowledging your beginning, namely Mother
RHEA, she will attune you so that you remember and acknowledge
thousands of truths which belong to your ortho and true existence as
well as to your Ellania, true and divine Creation.
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