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RHEA restores everything within the time-cycles


Mother RHEA restores absolutely everything within the large and
small time-cycles and she is already within the individual and
collective wholenesstime-units. She repairs all apostate invasions that
continually steal time from the life and bios of all creations. There are
thousands of events and facts that you must search in regard to
Mother RHEA.

Youth «ΝΕΟΤΗΤΑ» (pron. Neotita [Neotes]), which everyone wants
and searches for, isthe true time itself because time is the cosmic life
and the life of incarnation. Time is life itself. Life has the bios within it
and upon it. If you do not have life, then you do not have a bios. Time
is the youth of life. If you do not have time or if you have a time gap,
then you do not have a life. Youth is something else. It is the life of
Time. This has nothing to do with the idea of becoming young again.
Evidently, youth is the life of time as long as you respect the meaning
of time and do not fight it as if it is your enemy.

Essentially, this is what you do Ellene human. You discredited and
insulted your creative time and you surrendered it to the fiends of
chaos. And now as a result, you are in the oblivion of their chaos and
you do not know what to do. Additionally, you do not even know how
things ended up like this to the point where you cannot see any
solution, and a solution you will never actually find within the swamp
of your oblivion.

All Ellene humans must acknowledge their beginning. We all have to
go to the true and absolute beginning of our true and absolute
existence, and acknowledge Mother RHEA who is the only one to lead
us to her absolute truths.

With her, we will acknowledge our true existence and our true,
Nomoteleia, divine and unique Ellania Creation. Together with
Mother RHEA, we will acknowledge our true and divine Creators, and
nobody and nothing will ever be able to throw us into oblivion and
non-existence ever again.

By acknowledging Mother RHEA, all Ellania creations (humans)
acknowledge their own beginning and in turn, they will acknowledge
the beginning of everything.

For this reason, every Ellene human must individually connect
themselves with their own beginning, with Mother RHEA, where
RHEA is the Mother of all Ellene humans.

Mother RHEA does not like to – and must not – reveal herself. She
is alone and solitary, far from everyone and everything because this
is how it must be.

Evidently, all Ellene humans must individually know their beginning
and acknowledge the supreme divine Womb Guardian of Time,
Namely the beginning of our creative life,
Our unique and true Mother RHEA.

She is everywhere and in everything. She is our permanent and
absolute Guardian, the Guardian of Time and more. She is the
Guardian of all her children (Ellene humans). This is because all Ellene
humans are the children of OLYMPUS and of the 12 Ellania, Olympian
and Divine Creators.

And so, the children of her children are also the children of the
great Mother of all mothers, RHEA.

The pan-sacred invocation (epiclesis) of my Mother RHEA will now
follow which will be her pan-sacred seal upon the earthly plane and
level of Gaia-Demeter-Artemis for all Ellene humans who are the
children of RHEA.







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