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Summation: This refers to the process of
addition regarding numbers and arithmoi.
For example, the summation of 432 is 4 + 3
+ 2 = 9. The process of summation is
associated with the geometrical
development that occurs frequently within
our Sacred Ellania Texts.

 Arrito En (The Supreme Being of Light):
«Αρρητο εν ολον φωσ» (pron. Arrito En
Olon Fos, translated as “Ineffable One
Whole Light”). It is the source of the entire
Ellania Creation, the Unit 1 (the Creator of
Everything). It is the Supreme, Self-existent
and Creator Nous (Mind) that is Undivided
and Complete. “Arrito En Olon Fos” has 99
different names. One of these is “Os” as in
“Fos” meaning “Light”. In regard to the
word “Arrito”, it means “Ineffable”. “En”
(or “Ena”) means “ONE”. In other words, it
is the “Wholeness of Light”. Throughout
our Texts, we will be utilising its name as
“Arrito En”.

Noesis (Intellect or Comprehension) and
Katanoesis (Understanding): When one
becomes familiar with these Sacred Ellania
Texts, they will realise that the terms used
are not at random. First comes
Understanding (Katanoesis) where Kata:
means “according to” or “under” and
Noesis: Is an absolute plane of Intellect and
comprehension that everyone should
aspire towards. Thus,
(understanding) comes first where
everyone’s understanding may vary
“according to” their level of perception. It
is “under” Noesis. Afterwards, they can
reach the levels of Noesis (intellect and
comprehension), where everyone within
this level comprehends the same true
things as a unit, said to be in homonoia
(being of one Mind/Nous together).

Geometrise (Geometrical Development
Geometrical development is the process of
applying geometry to our cosmic-symbols,
which synthesise a word and its cosmic
meaning. This occurs due to the
geometrical shape and composition of the
cosmic-symbols. Consequently, this
creational geometrical process leads us to
arithmetical cosmic code-results that give
us answers regarding creation

Arithmos and Number: (Arithmoi = plural).
Arithmoi are the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Arithmos means
the “rhythm” (rithmos «ΡΥΘΜΟΣ») of the
“ALPHA entities”. This is because Arithmos
«Α-ρυθμοσ» starts with the symbol “A”.
The ALPHA entities give the rhythm and
the entire
Creation of αω and all creations within it.
Numbers or numerals (Noumera in Greek)
are considered the numbers after 13 and
onwards. Noumera means Mera/Meri =
“Parts” of the Nou = “Nous/Mind”.
Noumera (numbers) is plural, while
Noumero (number) is singular.
Following is a general description of the
first nine arithmoi: Unit 1 or ι: It represents
the unit of creation. Additionally, The
Absolute Unit 1 is the Beginning and the
Creator of Everything. Zero 0 or O
(wholeness): It is formed by The Absolute
Unit 1 or ι, when it curves itself and joins
its two endpoints. 2: One of the code
names of the 13th, OMEGA. 3: It represents
a triad, acting as a whole unit. 4: Another
code name of the 13th, OMEGA. 5: Is the
sacred code of “The Divine”, “Synthesis”
and the security forces of Ellania Creation.
6: It represents the Ellanio IOTA creation.
7: It represents the seven-level Ellania
Creation and the 7th plane and level of
DIAS. 8: It represents Infinity. 9: It
represents the 9 “NEW” (En Nea) Ellania
Notice the shape of the symbols 9 and 6
which are reversed, opposite, different but
same in respect to creation, reflecting each
other through the creative cosmic-mirror

12 Values: Logic, Freedom, Virtue,
Justice, Equality, Abundance, Truth,
Aesthetics, Harmony, Valour,
Eudaimonia, Know Thyself

Idor: «υδΩρ». Idor is Light itself in its liquid
and crystalline formation and is the
primary make-up of the Ellene human and
their creative environment. Idor is related
and connected to Water «ΝΕΡΟ» (pron.
Nero). Essentially, Idor and Water are the
same, but also different to each other. The
word associated with Idor «ΥδΩρ» is the
(pron. Idatinos)
meaning “Idor-elemental” (Idor-based)
and it is utilised within our Sacred Ellania

Sacred: «ιεροσ». (pron. Ieros). The true
meaning of “Sacred” is stable, firm, solid,
everlasting and strong. It has no relation to
dogmas or priesthoods. This means that
everything mentioned as sacred, including
our Sacred Ellania Texts, are everlasting,
true and firm foundations of knowledge.

 Bio: «βιοΣ». Bio refers to one’s life and
experiences of their physical existence on
the material realm (the life we are
accustomed to), hence the word bio

Time and Space: «χρονος κΑι χΩΡΟΣ».
Creation consists of infinite planes, levels,
connections, syntheses and wholenesses
of Spaces and Times. There are infinite
cosmoses, galaxies, solar systems, planets
etc. and infinite time-periods, time
intervals, time-cycles and time-moments.
We also have past, present, future
regarding Time within Creation. In essence,
Time is Timeless and endless, where
Infinity exists and creations create
infinitely. Unfortunately, it is difficult for us
to perceive this due to the apostate-time –
this time-bubble – which has been
imposed upon us by the fiends of Chaos
through their imposed and painful
deadlines that rule and control our life and
bio within the Space of our Gaia-Demeter

Diastatic and Diastasic: «διΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟΣ -
(pron. Diastatikos
Diastasikos). Both words refer to the
intricate structure as well as planes and
levels of Creation. “Diastatic” (known as
Dimensional) refers to our appearance and
every creation’s appearance within the
spherical and geometric Space of Creation.
Dia-stasic refers to the state (stasis) of
Intellect (DIA/Nous) that we are within and
exist. In both words, we see “DIAS” (who is the universal Nous) in the first part of each
To learn more about our 3-dimensional
structure and Diastasis, you may read the
Sacred Ellania Texts about SIRIUS, the
Womb of our Universe.

 Gaia (Earth), Demeter, Artemis, Apollo &
biggest held secrets are the names of our
own planet, our solar system and our
galaxy. How is it that all planets in our solar
system have divine names except ours?
We call ours Earth, but Earth or Gaia
«γΑΙΑ» refers to any physical land matter
and this can be found on many planets.
Even the planet Mars has a Gaia but it also
has a specific code name. And so, the code
name of our planet is
«δημητρΑ». The Solar System is named
Apollo «ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΑ». Our Galaxy is named
Eridanus «ΗριδΑνοσ», and our Universe is
named Artemis «Αρτεμησ». Many of the
texts will refer to 3 of these names
specifically: Gaia, Demeter and Artemis,
which depict the exact location of our
“Earth” within the Universe. For example:
It is like pinpointing a specific area by
Country, City and Suburb e.g. Greece,
Athens, Syntagma Square.




                                                                  ARTEMIS SORRAS

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